I must start with technology. I am in awe over the things I’ve seen emerge in my lifetime-from bag phones to flip phones to iPhones. From dot matrix printers to lasar printers & GPS systems to vehicle monitoring devices. Companies are being built without using any paper. It’s beautiful. AND there’s the flip side. I remember enjoying time at the airport chatting with people and learning about their lives and travels. So often these days I see people looking in the palm of their hand- not sitting in front of a palm reader, but rather staying connected to whatever they feel “can’t wait”. I, too, participate in this lack of real connection. People are choosing technology over a walk in the park and enjoying the scent of freshly budding jasmine. We are even bringing our cell phones into yoga classes. Now that’s where I draw the line. And my line is blurry, I’ll admit. What if 10 more people “liked” my post on Facebook about my upcoming trip to Haiti and I fail to see the “likes” immediately?! What if someone new “friended me?” And do I want them to be my “friend” and have access to my “wall”? Often times it all seems so silly, yet it is what is connecting us in ways that have never been done before. And we are able to talk with people around the world with the touch of a button- and see them at the same time! Who woulda’ thought? Our society as a whole continues to gain weight and make unhealthy food choices. When I was a kid, my mom would say, “go play outside until I call you in for dinner” & we loved it! Now I watch as children are in another room playing video games, texting their friends & sending pictures through Instagram. What has happened to our human connections? We must show kids (& each other) another side- and model loving face-to-face interaction with people, sharing feelings and being a part of a family & a community. In order to keep up with the speed of technology and daily life, it’s so important to slow down. Slow down to speed up. Stop-smell those roses. Read an extra book to your child (and leave your cell phone in another room, volume off). Hike alone or with a friend. Write a thank you letter instead of emailing it. Be a volunteer or mentor someone. Meditate. Get silent. And find your balance… Until next time…
Hugs, Love & Yoga, Kelley! :O)

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